We use our own Web Portal for submitting digital images for judging in the Club. There you can see images you have submitted, the judges feedback, definitions, the leaderboard, upcoming events, and more. The address is www.whakatane.cameraclub.co.nz Please note that the Web address is different from the Camera Club Website.
If this is your first time logging in then please use your email as your username. This will be the same email that your invite to use the judging portal has been sent to. The first time you log in you will use the code sent to you in the email as your password. This will be a computer generated series of numbers/letters etc. Once you have logged in using this password then you need to change to a password of your choice, something you can remember. Please write down your login details somewhere so you can refer to them later if you need to. Note: Please ignore the reminder to pay your fees if yours are up to date. This is a software glitch we are still working on.
Please enter any profile details required. Check your grade is entered correctly.
MEMBER No. The judging portal will assign you a member number based on the order you joined up. This is going to be different to the Club Member number that you already have.
On the left select “UPLOAD” Your details should automatically be loaded. (Name, email, grade.)
Click “SELECT TOPIC” and choose the month and category you want to enter.
Choose “SECTION.” (I know….it seems pointless to choose twice but that’s the way it’s set up.)
“TITLE” Submit your title.
“IMAGE” go to “CHOOSE FILE.” Select the image you want to enter. Click “OPEN” then “UPLOAD IMAGE.”
Only JPEG/JPG image files are accepted.
Maximum upload file size: 20M
Image must be OVER either 3840px on the horizontal (wide) side or 2160px on the vertical (high) side to be accepted.
Images larger than the above size will be automatically resized down to fit within the PSNZ guidelines