The club’s financial year is from 1 November until 31 October the following year.
Current Yearly Subscriptions
Individual $50
Couple / Family $80
Student $20
For those joining between 1 June to 31 August the subscriptions will be halved, and from 1 September the fee will be the full amount but will be carried over to the next year. Where subscriptions are increased at the AGM in November after joining, the new member is to pay an additional amount of the difference between the old and new fees. Four reusable matts for mounting 12”x8” photos will be made available to you for submitting printed images to competitions at an additional one of cost of $60.
Payment instructions:
Online payment is preferred to :-
Account name: “Whakatane District Camera Club”
Account number: 03 0490 0252867 00
Record your name in the reference place. When you have paid this way could you email whakatanecameraclub@gmail.com to advise that you have paid. Alternatively you can pay the Treasurer (or President in their absence) in cash at the next club meeting.
Please email your completed application form or give it to the President. You will then be allocated a club number, added to our monthly newsletter mailing list, Google Drive Members account, and emailing list, and you will be invited to join our closed Facebook Group.
Annual Subscription Payments are due before the end of January each year. Thereafter unpaid members risk non-acceptance of images for judging, removal from the Mailing List,and ultimately surrendering their Club Membership. Prospective members may visit meetings twice but cannot participate in other activities until paid-up.